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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

AD Posting Home based work really make money online

Hello All Home based Job Seekers,

I provide home based AD Posting work to all those searching the internet for a Home based Job. It would be better to call it a buisness than a Job as you will be making as much money as much you work.
AD Posting involves posting ADs on free classified websites and making a report of the posts made by you. I shall provide you the AD to be posted and I shall provide you a list of free classified websites also on which you are supposed to post the AD. Your task is to post the given AD on 2000 free classified websites in a period of 30 days for which I shall pay you Rs 10,000. Be your own boss. Don't skip the chance of knowing legitimate ways to make money online. This Blog will discuss it all in detail in various forthcoming posts. Be a regular follower and make money online guaranteed.
After a period of 30 days, you will recieve another ad which is required to be posted on the same 2000 websites. So, you will receive 12 ADs in a year and you will be using the same 2000 websites all year round.

Various websites have various steps of posting but most of them will have similar steps.

1) Registration on website. This is a one time process ie during the first month
2) Post the AD in suitable category and subcategory
3) Activate the AD ( Most of the websites do not have this step )
4) Browse the ADs, find out our AD from the category you posted it in, click on the AD and take the URL of the page where it gets displayed
5) Paste the URL in a work document... thats are done

I shall provide an AD and a few free classified websites below. Try to post the AD in those classified websites. This is about make serious money online.


Category / Classification:Buisness, Services, Buisness Opportunities

Adv. Heading:Durable Hardware for your House

Adv.Text:Best quality Hardware at cool prices avaible at the vicinity of your place. Just dial our phones number and we are at your service.

Company Name:Ezzy Hardware

UsedID:create your own user ID and password



Address:A-38 MEERA,chittorgarh (rajasthan)








Email:Your email id


Company dealings:NIL


Category Type:Hardware

Some of the classified websites where you can post this AD are : etc...

I have a list of 2000 such classified websites. Try to post the given AD on the given websites and then if you feel that you want to do this job for money regularly, contact me on 8828076948.
Be seperate in the race t omake money. Choose internet as a medium to earn your livelihood and learn the real ways to make money online.

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